
My own family photos, Yahooo!!!

Yaay Its finally my turn for photos. Is it ok to say I Love them?!
The thing is I had a vision in my head and knew it wouldn't come out exactly how I imagined
(because of crazy kids you can't make freeze) But It did! Just like in my head.
I have this friend Chelsea (remember HEREHERE and HERE, thanks to her those ideas in my head came to life perfectly.
She has a great eye and knows me so, so well!
I stayed up all night editing them not giving her a chance to show me all the edited ones first :)
as soon as she posts her edits I'll send you over.
Thank you Chels for making me the happiest girl ever
I hope this is how I make some of you feel after seeing you photos

Now I will be blowing up all of these on a new repainted (again) perfect spot in my house
But help me decide which one is the biggest?!
(love all for different reasons)

Photos by cjc photography
edited be me (all night in a excited hurry!)
or 3

K now I must encourage all of you to really think of the spirit of your family, kids and house

My home is bright. We are bright, and crazy just like the fair ;)
I also picked clothing not only based on location but on the accent colors in my home

I think its really important not to just bring great clothing to a shoot but a vision that represents your family
I think that's why I love favorite things so much. It shows us who you are, your spirit
so get dreaming up your next photo shoot. I can't wait to see!

oh ya, now go pick your fav photo for me already


  1. stop it. seriously??! your family is SO CUTE! i LOVE fair pics. =) your outfits are PERFECT too!

  2. OUT.OF.CONTROL! Ok, I know you know how I feel about these already but....AHHHHHHHHHH I feel like I need to call Vouge or something right now?! This is EXACTLY how I imagined it - I think #2 is the winner for the big blow up one...(maybe just blow up #1 and #3 too?! ha) Love all the little details, like in the animal pic - Gray's pant leg rolled up unintentionally - darling, Navi's socks poking out of her cowboy boots, and your big sassy hair, and necklace... Can't get over Gray's hair either.. (especially in the pic where Nate is juggling) Cutest family EVER award!!!!!!!!!! We SOOO have to recreate this one day when I have little darlings.. I think you guys are the tops! Love love love you friend after my own heart :)

  3. LOVE THESE! I can't believe how much your family has grown up! Gorgeous as always...and love that fair.:)

  4. These are AMAZING!!
    I've always known that you are gorgeous but seriously your family is beautiful!!

    My vote is for #2...

  5. Lace I love these!!! The Colors are amazing! I think I would have to go with number 2 as well, the colors are just AWESOME in that one!! So glad I figured out that comment button!! HA ha. Love you guys!

  6. You need a huge gallery of all of them! So fun, so fun, so fun!!

  7. I vote for number 3. They all look amazing though. Any chance you can put one in each room?

  8. aykm???? i LOVE these! your outfits are perfect and your family is adorable! =)

  9. wow laci! i love these!! love the colors, love the outfits everything :] I would have to say.. it's impossible to pick a favorite.. haha i love them all! and i love your hair! gorgeous!

  10. Soo adorable, and they totally fit you perfectly! I love them all! You and your friend make a great photog team!!

  11. ok for real laci. is it possible to be that gorgeous? duh. you are smoking. and your kids are soooo cute. darling darling. i love them all. good luck choosing a favorite, i couldn't. i tried and couldn't. i am drawn so much to that last one though. chelsea did a fabulous job!!

  12. So adorable! What is not to love, they are fantastic pictures. It is way too hard to pick just one. I liked #1,4,7, and I LOVE the one of you and the girls.

  13. My favorite is the ticket booth one!

  14. Oh my heaven these are stunning! Well first you are a gorgeous family. But the colors are unreal, wow, these are fantastic!

  15. The 1st picture is amazing! I like it because the background is so much fun, but you still see you (not cluttered)

  16. WOW! I am here From House of Smiths and I am so happy I followed her link!!! I have drooled over many photog blogs before but I have never seen pics this bright and fun! Such a creative scene to choose for family pics. I will be back. I am so impressed. Good Job!!!

  17. carousel one for sure! BUT....my next favorite is the ticket booth one. I LOVE LOVE LOVE It. Navi's face and pose...and the other kids pointing in diff. directions. I would get that one huge too! I love the colors in that picture too. I love the blue...

  18. These pics are really amazing! You have inspired me to get my families pics done asap. Great job!

  19. I found you blog through House of Smiths and I love it! Your family pics are darling!!! I am hoping for some fun pics at the state fair because I missed all the carnivals this summer! Love the colors in your photos! Oh yea, I love your darling necklace!

  20. I love love LOVE all of these! What a fabulous location! Love the fabulous outfits!

    My fave to have blown up would be have to #3...I just love the casual-ness of it...the simple sky background and the angle make you and your sweet family just really pop!! :)

  21. Oh my gosh I love these!!!! Your family is so cute and man they all photograph so well... LOVE IT!!!!

  22. *LOVE* the photo's!! They're so cute and spunky!! You have such a fun style and your family is darling!

    My pick would have to be the first photo. I love how you're all kind of spread out and the look on your sons face is so cute!

  23. LOVED ALL OF THEM!! BUT BUT....#2 is by far my fav!!!! Your family is GORGEOUS!!!! :)

  24. I already voted for #1 but forgot to ask....how on earth did you get to a fair & take pictures without people around?
    There is a local fair coming up and I wanted to know how you "got in" so I could try this :O)

  25. Those pictures are so much fun, I love the colors! My favorite is the
    4th one down but it was really hard to choose! Love the one of Navi on the carousel (<know I spelled that one wrong) horse. You all look great! Jen

  26. Okay...so I am super guilty of reading things in Google Reader and NOT commenting. I hate that I do that, but I do!! So, I am coming out to comment on how crazy fab these are!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

    The funny thing is, we are getting our family pictures taken at Balboa Park in November. I chose the location (before ever seeing these) based on the ferris wheel and carousel! I want to have cotton candy and totally have them be fun and whimsical!!

    These are truly amazing!!

  27. These are the most amazing pictures I have ever seen! They are so creative and fun! I HAVE to know where you got your little boy's shoes and pants!

  28. i love ALL of them! but i would say either 1 or 2 for sure. isn't my sis amazing?? (and you are too!)
    i love the fun bright colors. they turned out so good.

  29. Laci, these are really priceless, very much you and your family and fun. I love your necklace!

  30. Gorgeous beautiful pictures! i LOVE the bright colors!

  31. Number three for sure! I LOVE it!
    Very cute family.

  32. Okay love the carnival pictures but all the carnivals I have gone to have a gazillion people running amuck. What did you do with all the people? You should feel so good about those pictures they were to die for cute.

  33. Oh gosh thank you all!!! Im just going to have to them all! I might have something crazy up my sleeve for one ;)

  34. I love the pic of you guys in the barn. I also love your necklace. Where did you find it?

  35. THERE THEY ARE!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!! Seriously!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!
