
Photoshop actions

My last segment on Studio 5 I talked about my favorite photoshop actions. You NEED Them ;) 

(click on blog to view video)
P.S I was deathly sick so don't judge my voice ;)


The "Formals"

Im officially calling these The "Formals" we went out before the big day for bridals and a bunch with the two of them.  I LOVED this day. 
And because It's my brother I get to post a million :)
 remember the engagements (here) 

 Can you guess what the wedding color was? 

One of my Favs! 
We had a little rain, so the lighting was perfect. I do wish those sky's were blue though
I just love this photo of him covering her

 Had to show off the blue booties protecting their fancy shoes ;)

 AND we even ran into a few animals along the way

The wedding is over and these two are currently cursing in the Caribbean
I'm jealous



I feel like I have been living in "invitation land" designing for weddings, showers and such. I think Its so fun to incorporate your theme as much as you can. 
 I'm DYING over this invite. I mentioned in my previous post I get to photograph my cousins wedding in cape cod soon. Well check out her invite. She and my other cousin Carter designed this. *Side note, my family is full of creative geniuses. Like seriously its insane.  Ok anyway, they created this invite and I Love it! Marrissa and her fiance are seriously into theater, as in, Nicholas was on Broadway.  They meet doing theater, so naturally the wedding should be centered around that. right? :)
Did I mention the live in time square. magical. 

The invite is created to be their own play "Married Go-Round"  I love the all the wording and details. 
Plus your own tickets to enter? Genius. 

 Lobster please :)
And a back stage pass with a ribbon necktie. They thought of everything. 
Did I mention I can NOT wait?!