Man, I have seen so many great valentine ideas out there! I love looking don't you? This year we decided on doing these

It worked out wonderfully because when I went to order, Walgreens was having a sale: order 25 4x6's for free!! So if you go this route make sure to do that! I also like this idea because they are personalized so no need to write your name (although Navi insisted on making her own envelopes adorned with heart doilies and drawings to put the photo in, I should have taken a picture... dang!)

Here are some other amazing Ideas I love!
For you crafty amazing moms
I thought this was a great idea! I know all Utah moms are super crafty, and make up all sorts of flowers. Felt clips would be cheap to make and totally darling!
or you can purchase these at

Lollipop flowers are always a great inexpensive go-to item. I love the idea of having them all bundled up in a bouquet. Darling! I want them on my table for the whole month.
Really you could gussy these up so much more! I want to try them with felt or fabric.

Free downloads!!
Gotta love a free download. And there are so many great options!

Happy Happy Valentine's Day! Now go cuddle up with someone you love!